Step 1 - Printing & Food Lecker

Aluminum sheets are printed and first coated with the food leaker. Food leaker is coated to assure the safety against rust and soften the sheets.


Step 2 - Color Coating

Coated aluminum sheets are introduced with color in the second step. Quality assurance agents evaluate the required color and then pass for further production.


Step 3 - Shaping

Colored sheets are entered in furnace for heating. Then they are cool down and cut in to the stripes for giving shapes.


Step 4 - Punching

Aluminum stripes are then pass through the high punching power press for turning them in caps. These unfinished caps are then moved to the cap banks.


Step 5 - Kurling

In this step, caps are taken from bank and entered in to hopper. Each cap is given with required kurls, which ensure the tightening and sealing of bottles.


Step 6 - Weight Filling

In Last step, it is passed through convare belt to weight filling where the epe wads are inserted in to the caps and finally it is packed.


Our efficient pharmaceutical aluminum caps assure protection against the environmental bacteria. Secured and tight aluminum caps give guarantee for the longer shelf life; protect nutrients and saving of the money by reducing over runs.

Our short aluminum caps are made from the materials which do not react with the capsules. They are developed with the wet and dry lithography, silk screen printing, dry offset side printing and typography technology. This does not have interaction with any chemical group and therefore it promises the delivery of toxic free substance. Our printing facility enables our clients to get their logo printed, at the same door step.

Availability of the aluminum caps is in different colors and sizes can be reviewed on the Pilfer Proof Cap. We are ready to use your logo or company name over these caps. You can also describe us about your color selection for having color coated aluminum caps. Contact us for placing order for their tailor made caps.

Metal Pacific Plus specializes in the provision of innovative aluminum caps to the food & beverages industry. Aluminum caps manufactured for the food and beverages bottles are of two categories. The Pilfer Proof Caps and the Flip Flop Caps. Both of these caps are manufactured with high quality material so to comply with the international standards.

The suppliers include from domestic to multinational companies. Our clients can get our aforementioned aluminum caps for their fresh juices products, bottled water, dairy and milk products and other bottles. With having multiple teams of R&D, we have enabled to manufacture different sizes and colored products. The products can also be customized for the embedment of logos and color scheme, as par the demand of our clients.

We employ best coating for prevention of all kinds of rusts which may introduce because of acidic nature of products. Our high quality lining also ensure the vacuum sealing of products.

Agriculture medicines must be sealed with tight caps so to assure safety of end users. We have high state of the art machines to manufacture tamper-evident flip flop and pilfer proof caps. These caps are manufactured from aluminum sheets, which are well known for its durability.

Our plants are meeting all the safety standards for the production of capping for agri based products like Urea, fertilizers, insecticides and pesticides. There will no leakage from the sealed caps and no chemical reaction will occur because of extra coating.

Our clients can match the standards of our agriculture capping with the FDA and ISO 9001 standards. There will no flaw found between the claimed and supplied caps. Clients can even get their logo over the caps they want. Customize your caps in any color and any size you want from Metal Pacific Plus.

Perfumes and colognes are part of fashion and therefore it must match the style statement of the end customers. Elegantly designed perfume bottles are unfinished without the stylish cap.

At Metal Pacific Plus, we manufacture stylish flip flop caps by meeting the style statement of the perfume bottles. High quality aluminum caps are prepared which has power to seal the fragrance of perfumes, deodorants and colognes. Long shelf life and long lasting fragrance are guaranteed with the aluminum flip flop caps of the Metal Pacific Plus.

Clients can contact us to get their own customized and good looking aluminum caps over their elegantly styled perfume bottles.